Deutsch Intern
  • Schulungssituation im Schulungsraum im Erdgeschoss der Zentralbibliothek
University Library

Literature Research Strategies for Scientists

Are you at the beginning of your PhD project and want to enhance your search strategies? Come and learn how to search and find academic information more effectively!

During this workshop you learn:

  • how to explore academic information resources relevant for your research,
  • how to assess the retrieved information,
  • how to stay up-to-date in your project,
  • how to use the basics of bibliometrics in order to underpin your research

Trainer: Dr. Diana Klein is the subject librarian for medicine, chemistry and pharmacy at the University Library of Würzburg. She is also responsible for journal management and open access publishing.

Dates: May, 14th 2024, 9-11 am
             December, 5th 2024, 9-11 am

Location: Online-Seminar

Course Language: English

Registration:  Graduate School of Life Sciences