Deutsch Intern
  • Schulungssituation im Schulungsraum im Erdgeschoss der Zentralbibliothek
University Library
Catalogue Website

Web page

Weber-Wulf, Debora: Fremde Federn Finden. Kapitel 1.6 Wissenschaftliches Fehlverhalten. Online verfügbar unter http: //, zuletzt geprüft am 30.08.2017

  • Author(s) of the page where applicable
  • Title of the page and subtitles where applicable
  • internet address and last access

When quoting web pages, it is advisable to save the quoted page locally on your PC. If you use a literature management programme, you can store the backup copy there. You can also archive web pages on the Internet. The Internet Archive "Save Page Now" option allows you to archive web pages in the WayBackMachine for quotation purposes. If the page is deleted or lots of changes are made, you can still display your quoted version of the page.

By asking a few questions, you can determine whether an online text is worth quoting at all. To this end, please read the "Evaluating literature" tutorial.